RESOLVE - Release Alternate Version Of Single "Seasick Sailor"

Since the release of RESOLVE's highly acclaimed and succesful debut album »Between Me and The Machine« three months ago, the band went to experiment and explore a more bare-bone sound and took a special take on their own song 'Seasick Sailor'!

"We’ve never been afraid to show the softer side of our influences, but this alternative version of Seasick Sailor is the most bare-bone we’ve ever been. Or at least it is for the first minute and a half, before it starts building into a full-on orchestra with a full orchestra arrangement. So… probably not that bare-bone after all. But it sure was a lot of fun to put this version together and add another sonic layer to the BMATM universe!" - Robin Mariat (bass)

Though dig a little deeper, you'll find that the band delve even deeper into the emotional side of the times we live in. It’s an adventure, told through the eyes of a space explorer searching for a new world to inhabit after being overwhelmed by the level of technological advancement on his own planet and internal struggles he experiences along the way, into the deepest corners of the heart and soul, a search for tranquillity in a world controlled via buttons and wires. It’s about the balance between the self-doubt that we’re losing who we are as a society and the fear of what we would be without the means to live our lives as they are right now. More than anything, it’s about humanity, connection and community, three things that have inspired the band from the very beginning.

"It’s about finding your own place within a world that is becoming more and more dominated by machines," Robin states. "We are part of the last generation that grew up without the Internet. Even though it feels natural to us, it’s also easy to still feel a little bit lost."

When looking out for each other and soul searching feels more crucial than ever before, RESOLVE have put together a record that transcends borders altogether. They've created a universe littered with as much darkness as light and as much hardship as hope.

»Between Me and The Machine« feels like just the beginning of a truly spectacular voyage to the stratosphere, but right now, it is the sound of a band making the most brutally honest and beautifully human music they can.
