ARTIFICIAL OCEANS - Aims To Bring Awarness To Mental Health With Emotional New Single “Safe Haven”, Released In Association With Heart Support

With a strong determination and passion to achieve a positive and influential impact on one of the most important and crucial topics of today’s world, vigorous metalcore quintent Artificial Oceans unleashes “Safe Haven” – a project that aims to fulfill a purpose much more significant than the conventional standards within the industry. Released in association with Heart Support - an award-winning non-profitable organization (2016 Non-Profit Of The Year, 2016 Artist Philanthropic Award at the Alternative Press Awards, and also named as one of the top 100 socially innovative non-profits in the world at the Classy Awards) that directly intersects the space between mental health and the music community (specifically metal, alternative, and hardcore) and founded by Jake Luhrs of the Grammy nominated metal act August Burns Red, the newest single by Artificial Oceans is based on the crucial topic of mental health, as the powerfully presented music composition simply acts as a method to not only express the members of the band’s personal thoughts and experience related to the topic, but to also bring awareness to the growing on a worrying rate negative results in terms of people suffering with mental health issues. Containing an immediate, direct and thoughtful nature in terms of sidestepping the pitfalls common in the metalcore genre, “Safe Haven” utilizes a fast and well-paced combination of aggressive and raw screams, as well as melodic vocal lines to perfectly represent the variety of emotional states related to the topic of mental health, further expanding the group’s sonic palette and music arsenal in enough directions to keep the overall product to aesthetically pleasing levels of the highest degree.

Providing further information about the purpose of "Safe Haven" and its main goal, Artificial Oceans comments: "This song reflects the very real and harsh struggle of suicidality that many people face. It represents a simple idea: reach out. Depression is a condition that effects thousands. People all around us live with this, even our friends and family. The simple notion of speaking with them sometimes is overlooked. It makes the world of difference having a friend to speak with. The song is about a man who has extreme depression, and only feels relief when he sleeps. The man begins to crave the relief he gets, and begins sleeping more and going out less, no longer enjoying tasks he used to enjoy. Eventually, he realizes there is a way to sleep forever, and decides to commit suicide. The point of the video is a simple reminder that of this idea: a phone call is all it takes. If you see someone displaying the signs, all you have to do is simply reach out, even by phone. It could make all the difference to that person."
