They recently released a killer debut EP "Means To An End" that is on heavy rotation here at INSANE BLOG. They just finished the tour and we had a pleasure to talk with bassist Matt McAdam. Definitly a new band that you must hear and see!

1. You recently finished "Means to an End Tour". How was it? Satisfied with the feedback from the fans? What was the track that got crowed more moving?
This tour was amazing, met a lot of amazing people and made new friends. Our fans loved the new album. The song that got the crowd craziest was probably Open Your Eyes.

2. How are you satisfied with the feedback for the album so far? How long did it take to make it? What was the most challenging part of recording?
We have heard a lot of great feedback, so I would say that we are definitely satisfied with what we have heard. The album took about 6 months in total writing it. I honestly can't think of any hardest part of recording, Matt Good and Ryan Daminson make the process feel seamless.

3. Our favourite track from the album is "Blood and Bones" for witch you also made a video. How was it made? Who got the first idea, musically speaking? What was the lyrical inspiration for it? Blood and Bones music video was made by Marcus Eden, a genius mastermind of the camera. Marcus came up with a story-line based on the lyrics and what he felt when he heard the song. Musically speaking our guitarist, Matti Hoffman, came up with the original skeleton and Matt Diana came up with the lyrics for that song. Myke Castillo and myself, Matt McAdam, added our flair to the song and Blood and Bones was created.

4. What got you motivated to start a band? What was your first inspiration?
Message To The Masses was born because of right timing. All of us were, at the time, "free agents" having left our previous bands looking to make it big with other musicians. It just so happens that we have all known each other for 10 years plus. Our first inspiration that really spurred the band was a song called I Fought For Love that our drummer Myke wrote and we just made it into a "hardcore" song.

5. What was the first album that you bought and the first show you attended?
The first album I ever bought was The Marshal Mathers EP by Eminem and the first show I attended was Voodoo Glowskulls.

6. Do you have some other passions that you enjoy besides music?
I love teaching music, so I guess the answer is no.

7. Future plans for Message To The Masses? Some European tour soon?
We are currently writing for the full length but have no dates yet. We are hoping to make it to Europe soon, so we will see :)

8. Shout out to...
Huge shout to Artery for dealing with us, I know we can be a handful. Also to all the bands, fans, and people we met along the way on the Means To An End tour. The MTTM Family is growing and we can't wait to meet the rest of you.
