BRUTAL ASSAULT confirms another load of bands for the 2015 edition! Dutch death metal legends ASPHYX will be returning to the fortress once more. Another band receiving glorious appraisal at our fest ANAAL NATHRAKH is returning next year with their mixture of hateful black metal and blasting grindcore. For hardcore fans we've booked a classic New York band BIOHAZARD. Oldschool death metal fans can rejoice as well as we confirm that Swedish all star project BLOODBATH and cult Buffalo butchers CANNIBAL CORPSE will play. The young generation fans of extreme music who appreciate death metal/metalcore fusion can look forward for the show of EMMURE. Britain's fantastic ESOTERIC will make the funeral doom fans happy, while dancewilling youngsters should get ready for ILL NINO. Charismatic Irish veterans PRIMORDIAL and pioneers of post thrash/melo death metal THE HAUNTED will aslo play the festival in 2015.
